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Poland fails to stop Donald Tusk EU re-election

The leaders voted 27 to one to give him another two-and-a-half-year term.

The Polish government insisted Mr Tusk, a former PM from a rival party, had violated his mandate by interfering in domestic politics.

Poland's prime minister said she would refuse to sign off on the summit's final statement in protest.

"Poland has a right to veto the conclusions - and Poland is exercising that right," Beata Szydlo said.

She added that Mr Tusk was not impartial.

"He does not have the support of his home country - that's sufficient reason for him not to be appointed."

Poland's Prime Minister Szydlo made no attempt to disguise her fury at the reappointment of fellow Pole Donald Tusk to steer EU policy for another 30 months.

By vetoing the EU summit conclusions, she told reporters, Poland would make them invalid.

Poland's move is rare, but not unprecedented at EU summits. On occasion the UK, too, has taken a principled stand against the majority at Brussels summits.

No crucial EU decisions hang on Friday's conclusions, and this protest makes Poland look very isolated in the EU.

Its leaders can still put out a joint statement, though it will have less legal weight than the normal conclusions.

The row has soured the atmosphere, just as the EU prepares to mark 60 years since its founding Treaty of Rome was signed. European unity is the theme of their talks on Friday - now overshadowed by the Polish flare-up. And with the Brexit process looming, the UK will be absent.

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